Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Peer Review & The Flu

Though I have had the flu for the last few day's the web access in this class has enabled me to continue to participate in our assignments leaving me feeling that 'Google Docs' is quite handy indeed. I hadn't had the chance to complete my whole paper but did end up posting the portion of it I have thus far been able to finish. In peer editing another persons paper through this website I found it to be much more proactive than doing so in the classroom primarily because we can continue a conversation about our work outside of class as we are going through the process of creating our final drafts.
Overall I have found this tool to be useful and efficient in assisting us in the peer review process. Though it took me a minute to figure out how I would make the corrections I wanted to on the papers I read, I eventually figured it out and was quite impressed.

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